超音波検査でBI-RADS 4Cまたは5? 直接生検へ
By Kate Madden Yee, AuntMinnie.com staff writer
November 29, 2018
CHICAGO – スクリーニング超音波でBI-RADS 4Cと5に分類された乳房病変に対して直接生検を予定することが適切であると、年次RSNA会議で火曜日に発表した研究結果によれば、生検の予定。
この結果は、スクリーニング乳房超音波検査でどのBI-RADSカテゴリがさらなる画像診断、フォローアップ、または生検を促すべきかという長年の疑問を解決するものであると、発表者のピッツバーグ大学Wendie Berg博士はセッション参加者に語りました。 この2年間のデータには、3つの施設(大学1施設と個人開業2施設)でデジタル乳房トモシンセシス(DBT)と技師による携帯型スクリーニング超音波検査を受けた40~74歳の無症状女性5,689人が含まれています。
試験の最初の2年間における8,151件の超音波検査のうち、5.6%がリコールされました。 回収率は1年目の5,589件の超音波検査の6.1%で、2年目の2,462件の超音波検査の4.3%より高かった。 Twenty-four women were diagnosed with cancer after ultrasound recall, for a positive predictive value for recall (PPV1) rate of 5.3%.
Only 2.5% of lesions found in the two-year cohort were categorized as BI-RADS 3, a much lower percentage than the ACRIN 6666 rate, Berg noted.
BI-RADS category results from screening ultrasound | ||||||
BI-RADS category | Percentage of total cohort (8,151) | Directed to immediate additional targeted ultrasound | Directed to 6-month follow-up | Reassessed to BI-RADS 2 or 3 at recall | Biopsies | Cancers detected |
3 (209 women) | 2.6% | 55% | 45% | — | 9.6% | 1% |
4A (153 women) | 1.8% | — | — | 42.4% | 56.2% | 1.3% |
4B (60 women) | 0.7% | — | — | 26.7% | 77.7% | 6.7% |
4C (11 women) | 0.1% | — | — | — | 100% | 63.6% |
5 (9 women) | 0.1% | — | — | — | 100% | 100% |
The malignancy rates were lower than expected for BI-RADS 4A (1.3%) and 4B (6.7%) categories. In contrast, lesions assessed as BI-RADS 4C or 5 were in the expected ranges for malignancy, and all were biopsied, Berg said.
These results confirm that radiologists can send women with lesions characterized as BI-RADS 4C or 5 on screening ultrasound straight to the biopsy room, according to Berg.
“BI-RADS 4A and 4B assessments merit targeted ultrasound to determine the need for biopsy, but going directly to biopsy is appropriate for a 4C or 5 assessment on screening ultrasound,” she concluded.

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