


頬は、外側は毛深い皮膚で、内側は層状の扁平上皮で覆われています。 ほとんどが滑らかであるが、反芻動物などでは尾状乳頭を持つこともある。 粘膜には上下に群がる頬腺からの分泌物が供給される。 肉食動物では、上顎頬側腺は大きく不連続である:頬骨腺。 During mastication (chewing), the cheeks and tongue between them serve to keep the food between the teeth.

Some animals such as squirrels and hamsters use the buccal pouch to carry food or other items.

Malar stripes of a Geopard cheetah

In some vertebrates, markings on the cheek area, particularly immediately beneath the eye, often serve as important distinguishing features between species or individuals.