見ざる、言わざるの状態ですか? Google の研究者によると、食料品売り場の「トップヒット」を整理するだけで、深刻な砂糖の節約につながる可能性があるそうです。 Project M&M と名付けられたこの研究では、ガラス容器ではなく、不透明な容器にチョコレート キャンディーを保管することで、わずか 7 週間で 310 万カロリーの M&M 消費を抑えられることが判明しました。 また、この研究では、より健康的なスナックに、より目立つ棚スペースを与えたそうです。 Journal of Marketingに掲載された同様の研究では、人々は不透明なパッケージよりも透明なパッケージの小さなお菓子を食べ過ぎる可能性が高いことがわかりました。 糖質制限のヒントは、『14日間糖質オフ・ダイエット』に掲載されています。
Sleep in a Cold Room
Simply blasting the air conditioner or turning down the heat in the winter may help attack belly fat while we sleep, according to a study in the journal Diabetes. As it turns out, colder temps can subtly enhance the effectiveness of your brown fat stores, which keep you warm by helping your burn through belly fat. Participants spent a few weeks sleeping in bedrooms with varying temperatures: a neutral 75 degrees, a cool 66 degrees, and a balmy 81 degrees. After four weeks of sleeping at 66 degrees, the participants had almost doubled their volumes of brown fat.
Increase Your Load
If you can do more than five reps of an exercise, より重いウェイトを手に入れる。 筋肉がつき、体が丈夫になってきたら、負荷を大きくして挑戦してみましょう。
夜に光にさらされることは、安眠のチャンスを妨げるだけではありません。 体重が増加する可能性があることが、American Journal of Epidemiology誌で発表された。 最も暗い部屋で眠った被験者は、最も明るい部屋で眠った被験者に比べて、肥満になる確率が21%低いことがわかりました。 体重を減らす方法については、お腹を平らにする方法をチェックしてみてください
Stock Up on Healthy Foods
Brian Wansink, director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, found that you can estimate how much someone weighs by taking a photo of their kitchen counter. After analyzing photos of 200 kitchens, he found that women who have soda sitting on their countertops weigh an average 26 pounds more while those who have cookies weigh about eight pounds more. The biggest surprise: Keeping cereal on your counter leads to an additional 20 pounds of body weight. The lesson here is to clean empty calories off your countertops to start losing weight.
By running, biking or rowing after you’ve hit the weights, you’ll have a greater effect on your fat and calorie burn than had you done it beforehand. And don’t do any of these things you’re doing to slow your metabolism!
Sprint it Out
Sprinting is better for weight loss than running at a steady pace, says Dan Roberts, one of the UK’s top trainers. “Sprinting builds muscle which helps burn fat quickly. Also, the action of driving the legs initiates the abs and core” explains Roberts. “The faster you go and the shorter your recovery, the more your abs will develop.” 典型的な30分のトロットの代わりに、30秒のスプリントを20セット行い、それぞれの間に30秒の回復が必要です。
Rowing burns many calories and works the most muscles, including your back muscles. To bump it up a notch, take your workout outdoors. In a Brazilian study, outdoor rowers burned 26% more calories during a race than those on an indoor rowing ergometers.
Focus on Pushups
Although push-ups will emphasize the upper-body, including the shoulders and arms, they’re actually full-body exercises. “When done properly, they actually work your entire body and are one of the very best ways to target your external obliques,” says Annie Mulgrew, director of programming at City Row.
Sculpt Love Handles with Side Planks
If you want to get rid of those stubborn love handles, side planks are the perfect exercise for toning your obliques. By challenging your balance, side planks force you to recruit other muscles to stabilize your body.