Defining socialism: What it means and how it’s shaping 2020

Sanders’ Medicare for All plan would cost an astronomical $32.6 trillion, according to one study by the libertarian-leaning Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently questioned how the nation would pay for Medicare for All, although proponents of the idea argue it would control costs in the long run.

“Thirty trillion dollars. Now, how do you pay for that?” Pelosi asked in a recent interview with Rolling Stone.

Democratic candidates weigh Medicare for All

The Green New Deal proposal, a plan to transform the economy to combat climate change and dramatically expand the welfare state, would also cost tens of trillions of dollars. また、このような「忖度」(そんたく)は、「忖度(そんたく)」とも呼ばれます。





「確かにそれは懸念材料だと思います。 とはいえ、左すぎるのも問題ではなく、どの候補者が自分の考えで有権者を味方につけられるか、という問題です」