Foo Dog Tattoos: Defending our homes (and skin)
犬かライオンか? 中国か日本か?
神聖な中国の犬は、欧米では一般的にフー(またはフー)ドッグという名前で知られています。 しかし、おかしなことに、実際には、この「犬」はライオンなのです…。

フー・ドッグは、古代のルーツを持っています。 しかし、この犬獅子の伝説が中国から国境を越え、アジア全域に広がったのは、紀元600年頃(唐の時代)です。


The masculine element however, appears to be playing with a sphere (the world) he holds under his paw. Basically, one statue is rearing the young while the other is dealing with the natural world surrounding it.
As far as modern homes are concerned, according to the rules of Feng shui, the most favourable position for the Foo Dogs is the female on the left of the entrance and the male on the right. Should you decide to buy a pair, be sure never to separate them and always place them on either side of a door. Watch out: if you split them up and put them in separate rooms, it will spoil the beneficial effect.