Normal lumbar MRI (sagittal view)Normal lumbar MRI (axial view)
The Aging Process
With age, the spine stiffens as the intervertebral discs dehydrate and slowly degenerate. MRIs demonstrate this with progressively darkening discs that lose vertical height. As they shrink, the discs begin to bulge into the central spinal canal.
MRI lumbar spine sagittal T2 image of 30 year old normal)
MRI lumbar spine sagittal T2 image of 70 year old
MRI lumbar spine sagittal T2 image of 90 year old
Age related intervertebral disc degeneration. Notice how the discs become darker, loose vertical height, and bulge with age.
A Lumbar Disc Herniation May Disappear
Disc herniations can be large and appear permanent. However, the immune system breaks down the disc material slowly over time. If the disc herniation material remains viscous, it may disappear as seen in the picture below.
A large L3-4 disc extrusion that resolved over three years.
正常な中心管は通常かなり大きく(図A)、下行神経を収容して保護しています。 脊柱管狭窄症は、中心管の狭窄を表しています(図B)。 この状態は、椎間板(図C)、靭帯(図D)、ファセット関節(図E)の広範囲な摩耗で発生します。 椎間板が変性すると、中心管に入り込んで狭くなり、その結果、神経が圧迫されます。 The resulting nerve compression can cause progressive pain, weakness and numbness.
Andre Panagos M.D. (21 Posts)
Regenerative Spine and Sports Medicine, Functional MedicineSpine & Sports Medicine of New York www.ssmny.comClinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at New York University Langone Medical Center