Find International Student Exchange Programs at Precisely !
(This is Part 3 of the Precisely 2020 Series -Providing Great Opportunities for All! To Check out other Opportunities List for yourself , click here!!)
An International Student Exchange Program is a study curriculum for students wherein they can attend classes at an International Institute, which may or may not be in a tie-up with their Alma mater, for six months to a year.
The US, Australia, the UK, China, Canada, New Zealand and Germany are some nations that see a large influx of Indian pupils annually.
ISEP は、このような国際的なプログラムを実施し、国際的で質の高い教育を提供します。 そのため、このような弊害が発生することはありません。 また、このような「忖度」は、「忖度」ではなく「忖度」なのです。 さぁ、今すぐ応募してください An exclusively unique and fruitful adventure awaits you!
Before signing up for student exchange programs…
Where would you like to study abroad? Would you like to live in an emerging or an industrialized country? Would you like to go to a country where English is the native tongue or do you feel more adventurous? How long will you study abroad? How long would you like to stay there? Would you like to earn transferable credit while you’re abroad?
Find out why you should study abroad !
(Article contributed by Rishika Singh, Graphics by Anulipi Debnath for Precisely)
It’s Precisely these opportunities which if, taken advantage of , can paint a brighter future.