Tim McGraw Still Has a Future in Acting, Says ‘It’s Just Finding Time’

Tim McGraw is currently focused on Tim McGraw the country singer, but that doesn’t mean he’s done being Tim McGraw the movie actor.

“There are some things kicking around,” he spills to Taste of Country Nights’ Sam Alex during an interview to talk about new music. “It’s just finding time … more after the first of the year, some stuff coming up.”

Yet, McGraw admits that those things that are “coming up” won’t be seen by the public for awhile.

Country Music’s Sexiest Male Voices

In the past, McGraw has had roles in films like The Blind Side, Country Strong and Friday Night Lights.

今のところ、映画の仕事はまだマックグローの副業にすぎません。彼は2つの新曲、「Neon Church」と「Thought About You」をリリースしたばかりで、この曲は彼にとって多くの思い出を呼び起こすものです

(Thought About You) just tells such a great story,” McGraw tells Alex.

「(Thought About You)は本当に素晴らしい物語を語っている。


ティム・マッグロウのToC Nightsでのインタビューはこちら

Tim McGraw Isn’t the Only Artist Who’s Also a Actor:

Tim McGraw Is the Only Actor’s Not the Year!